Looking for a professional bathroom remodeler that is an expert in remodeling, has 50+ years of experience, offers the best quality of craftsmanship & products, plus the best price guaranteed? Contact Toledo New Bath today!

Truth Be Told: We Are The Best In The Business!
Not all bathroom remodelers are the same! That definitely is true. Toledo New Bath and our predecessor company have been around for over 50 years. We have seen over 25 bathroom remodelers come and go out of business over those years, many leaving their customers “ high and dry” as the saying goes. Liners Direct, Quality Bath Liners, Bathrooms By Steve, Rebath, Bath R. US, Bath Planet, Quality Liner’s Company, John’s Quality Baths just to mention a few, but the list goes on and on! So, the answer is not all Toledo bathroom remodelers are equal!
What To Look For Before Selecting A Contractor To Remodel Your Bathroom
1. How long has the company been in business? Let’s be honest, there are many contractors who come and go. Make sure you ask the next “Chuck In A Truck” how long he has been in business? How many happy customers does he have? Does he have references?
Toledo New Bath has been in business for over 50 years and we have over 5000 satisfied customers. Furthermore, we would be happy to provide our endless supply of customer references.
2. Are they local to Toledo?
We firmly believe in doing business with local companies. When it is supplied through local companies. In Toledo New Bath’s case, we have employees who all live in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan. We, also, have two local showrooms so that you can see our products and displays in person. Stop by and take a look sometime soon!
3. What kind of products do they use on your project?
The latest and greatest bathroom material is acrylic. Some suppliers will want to “refit” your bathtub with fiberglass or cheap acrylic. We here at Toledo New Bath, use the highest quality and thickest acrylic in the industry and it comes with a “lifetime” guarantee. Our fixtures are made by quality, nationally recognized companies like Kohler, Delta, Mansfield, Toto, Moen and BCI. Many people want to compare our bathroom products to inexpensive (some say cheap) products purchased at Home Depot, Menards or Lowes, the big box stores as many people call them. We sell a performance product that cannot be compared to those inferior products. It is difficult to compare us to those products as it's simply not comparing “apples to apples”.
4. Are the installers bathroom specialists?
Anyone can hire a “Johnny Come Lately” or “Johnny Come Late”. LOL! These guys are easy to find on Craigslist, but they are typically here today and gone tomorrow. Toledo New Bath cannot even estimate the number of jobs that we have ended up finishing or fixing by a contractor who did not know what they were doing or got in over their head and then disappeared with the customers' money! It’s like the old barber said, “Haircuts - $10. Fixing bad haircuts -$20”. Don’t make a bad choice on a contractor and/or bathroom remodeler and end up paying twice! Hire a reputable company!
The Vote Is In!
Toledo New Bath, 50 years in business, quality products, locally owned, two conventionally located showrooms, 5000 satisfied customers and the best price guaranteed! Call the best in Toledo Today! 419-389-9950.