Wanting A New Bathroom or Kitchen, But Worried about The cost?
Worry No More, Toledo New Bath Has You Covered With Guaranteed Low Prices To Get The Bathroom or Kitchen You Deserve!
Inflation- WOW!
Have you seen the rate of inflation? Gas prices are thru the roof! Food prices are off the charts! And don’t mention the fact that a family cannot get baby formula or many other grocery necessities. It’s tough and it is definitely taking money out of ALL of our pockets! Well.....we are all in this dilemma together and we here at New Bath are trying to assist our customers in every way we can.
We have adopted a three-step approach, to try and keep our prices reasonable on bathroom and kitchen products.
We Stand For Fair Rates!
We have not raised our labor rates on our installers or commission rates on our salesman in 12 years. Nor will we! You’ve heard the saying, “Don’t kick a person when he or she is down.” We believe that is appropriate in this scenario. Sure, we could raise our labor rates and commission rates like everyone else, but we think that would be kicking our customer's while they are down and we simply are not going to do that! Raising rates and commissions just because we can.....NOT ACCEPTABLE!
We Are Working For You In More Than Just Your Bathroom & Kitchen Needs!
We have begun to and searched for more affordable suppliers. Of course, this is not at a sacrifice of quality. We purchase a significant amount of product from our suppliers and we are constantly negotiating with them for more favorable pricing. Our suppliers have worked with us on many occasions and because we save money, we have been able to “hold the line” or minimize cost increases to our customers. We have worked with our current suppliers, but also have been able to find other vendors who are willing to begin a relationship with us at reduced prices. We are constantly shopping our current vendors and searching for new vendors to keep our prices VERY affordable!
Shop Local & Be Prepared To Save!
We are a LOCALLY owned company. We operate out of showrooms and warehouses that are all owned by us. Therefore, while occupancy costs have gone up such as gas, electric, water and insurance there have been zero rent increases. These savings have again allowed us to keep our prices at the LOWEST IN THE MIDWEST!
If you want a quality bathroom at the best price from a local company that has been in business for 50 years, contact us for a free no hassle estimate or visit one of our showrooms!